Whats your connection to SWAGFEST?

Swagfest, to me, is a community that gets together annually just to have fun and listen to swag tunes from artists big and small within the community. Everyone we have on our fests is insanely talented and have bright futures ahead of them. I’m exited to keep this community going, and I can’t wait for the future and see where it goes.

Who is the dream SWAGFEST 2024 artist?

Hideo Kojima

Have we seen the end of jiimmy or can the people expect another jiimmy moment?

I haven’t had any ideas for jiimmy, and the one song I did post on jiimmy a little while back I took down after a week because I wasn’t happy with it, so I think the book is closed for jiimmy, unless I have a sudden crazy burst of inspiration for a jiimmy song. I might possibly start the account back up in the future at some point, but we’ll see.

Do you really do everything on BandLab? Why but also how tf?

The short answer is no, kind of. You see, up until August of 2022 I didn’t have a laptop of my own, but instead had a Chromebook that my school would give out to every student to use for the year, and that was what I used for music since I first started out during my sophomore year of high school. You couldn’t install any software and you couldn’t install any apps on them, so you were stuck with Chrome and the various stock apps, so I made do with what I had. My first couple of songs as elii4h were made entirely in BandLab, a DAW that’s entirely browser-based that allows you to just drag and drop samples and use stock synths, but when I started the “jiimmy” side project, I was made aware of another browser-based DAW; Audiotool. What I loved about this site was that I could create my own synths and use imported samples that could be stretched without quality loss, but importing samples tended to be a hassle unlike BandLab, so I would create chords / melodies / basslines in Audiotool, export the audio, and import the audio into BandLab. It was a tedious process, but hey, it worked. So to clear things up, I didn’t make everything solely in BandLab, I used a combo of BandLab and Audiotool, and I am now an FL Studio user.

What’s it like having the most streamed song on the GOOP HOUSE Soundcloud?

I am genuinely confused with that because not only is it the most streamed song on GOOP HOUSE, but it’s MY MOST STREAMED SONG OUT OF MY ENTIRE DISCOGRAPHY. Like, it isn’t even that good, I’ve got way better shit, but NO, everyone wants to listen to GOOPCORE instead. The sequel, goopcore 2, which is exponentially better than the original, didn’t get nearly as many plays, not even my extended mix which I worked on for MONTHS and STILL hasn’t hit 1,000 plays. There was a comment under goopcore 2 from Zeddlous, saying “first goopcore will never be topped” even though it LITERALLY HAS BEEN. GOOPCORE 2 EXISTS. THE FIRST ONE SUCKS. I HOPE YOU STUB YOUR TOE, ZEDDLOUS. (not really though, I love you bro.) 

Since Swagfest is certified gay, what song(s) of yours would you say scares straight people the most?

I would definitely go with the guys songs on Penis Music Collective, “gay life hacks” and “transgender tips and tricks”. They are guaranteed to make any straight person shit their pants on the spot.

Talk to me about snare society, what is it, why did you make it, what are your plans for it?

Before snare society, there was “dariacord”, a Discord server for fans of Jane Remover’s side project, “leroy”, to meet and collaborate on music. We would occasionally host beat challenges, where we would give our users a sample to flip within an hour. It was fun, it was chaotic, and everyone had fun. Then in December of 2021, we hosted our very first URL fest, “DARIAFEST”. It was after this fest that I realized that I wanted to turn what was just a silly fan server into an actual music community. I would sit on this thought until not even a full month later, there was a falling out in the community. Jane Remover didn’t consider dariacore, the tag they would rep on the leroy side project after over a year, wasn’t a genre. This mind-bending music that put popular 2010’s pop music on crack wasn’t it’s own thing, and this sent ripples through the community, and I figured this would be the perfect time to rebrand. We became snare society a few days later, and not too long after volume 1 of snare society had been released. 

For the future, I want to do more. We haven’t done a “unique” comp in over a year, plus I myself haven’t been that active in the community that much recently, and I want to change that. I want to experiment with new ideas, maybe even bring back some old ideas like the beat challenges. We are planning out a cool comp concept right now, though it might already be announced by the time this interview comes out.

Is there a user-177606669 Soundcloud track that’s yours that people don’t know is yours?

I probably would if I wasn’t so bad at keeping my own secrets. Almost every song I’ve put on user, I’ve unintentionally revealed that I was the person behind said song, but not many people know that I’m the first person to post Car_Crash_And_Siren.wav to the page. 

What should people be on the lookout for from elii4h next?

That’s a question I’ve been asking myself recently, as I’m in the process of figuring out where to take this project forward. I love dariacore, and I love the community surrounding it, but I feel like it’s time for me to head in a different direction. I might be taking a bit of a break from music at the start of the year to figure things out, but I will say to expect more house/garage music from me in the future. I want to make more minimalist stuff, more sound design-heavy stuff, more beautiful stuff.

What would you do with $20 right now?

eat it (i’m hungry)