You were one of the few people to play a main day SWAGFEST set and a SwagFM set this year, how was your approach different, if at all, for your two sets?

 one was 20 minutes long and the other was 40, other than that my approach was about the same. I usually try to have a thread through longer sets (like soulja boy in this case) though

Who is the dream buelfest artist?

dream that I think could happen? probably underscores. I met her after a concert and she recognized bueller so there is a slim possibility she'd be willing. her or gupi, whose style I think perfectly suits bueller's Whole Deal. dream that I don't think could happen? uhhhh I messaged fatboy slim this time does that count idk

Your sets are super ADHD coded, what’s your approach to making a set? What’s the most number of songs you’ve had playing at once in a set?

lol yeah I try to put my disorders in my work. I think I've gotten up to around 8 or 9, in the big party for goop day. my approach mostly relies on the structure of songs rather than bpms and keys (all I really have to do is match those together lol). I find songs that both have 4 bar choruses and 16 bar verses or whatever and magically they fit together. I say that like it's some concrete thing but it ends up being mostly vibes based.

A lot of people might have ideas to do things like buelfest or other projects that they’re too scared to jump into, what’s some advice you have for those people?

 this sounds stupid but literally just do it. lean really heavily into it. get hugely enthusiastic and ask for help, and you'll get it. get annoying about it. all you need is a passion and a will to do it right and it will probably work out.

What should people be on the lookout for from guy with dog next?

well, obviously, we got buelfest 2024 coming up, with signups opening soonish. there may or may not be something cool in the works between now and then, but you can definitely expect more sets on my soundcloud lol

Talk to me about buelfest, there’s definitely some overlap with SWAGFEST (url fest + fundraiser). What inspired you to start doing it? How did it go this year, and what are the future goals?

I mean. I love my boy. when I saw people I knew doing mini birthday fests (josa gupsemicolon for instance) I figured it could be fun to do one for bueller! it went really really well, we had almost 100 performers and raised over $1000 for autistic kids. future goals are basically just Do It Again But Bigger as of now.

You play a lot of URL fests, why are URL fests so important to the scene?

 big question. I love them because they're an easy way to experience what everyone does and see people you already enjoy in action, much like a normal music festival. they're also free and online, and so can serve as a great onboarding for people new to the scene (source: fargofest did that for me). seeing people excited for EVERYTHING also instills the all-important message that all art is worthwhile and worth making and consuming, which is really why this scene is so important to me. without that message, that the only important thing to make art is to have fun making it, I'd never have started creating.

You mash up a lot of songs that people wouldn’t expect, what’s the best mashup you’ve ever made?

I recently got massive attack's teardrop to work with umru's honest, all about that bass, cotton eyed joe, slash dot dash, and the Rockefeller skank and I think it melted my brain lmao

What’s a piece of music related advice that really changed how you do things?

bad art is still fun to make. when you're making it, what's important is the process. the final product is secondary. the simple act of creating itself can and should be celebrated. this is what got me making stuff after two decades of sitting around "not knowing how to make good stuff" when the making is the good stuff.

Is guy with dog right now?
